Monday 3 October 2016

Stoner Sex: Working Out, Live Models, the Oldest Profession & Weekend Sex

Dear Hyapatia,
OK, I get why Trump is an asshole for fat-shaming Alicia Machado, but what is the politically correct way to let someone you care about know they’re starting to cross the line? My boyfriend used to be really into bodybuilding and I loved him for it. It was something we shared. Over the last few months, he’s stopped going to the gym as often. But he still eats like a body builder. The weight is starting to pile on. I don’t want him to get unhealthy, so what’s the best way to let him know he’s letting himself go without creating bad feelings? – Michelle

Dear Michelle,
Sometimes working out can become a chore, so you have to keep it fresh. You say bodybuilding was something you shared, so why not go to the gym together? Turn it into a date. Get in a good workout, shower, then go do something together that you both enjoy – or go home and make love! Sex is often terrific after a workout. If you lead by example, then no words are really necessary, and you get to spend some quality time together.

Dear Hyapatia,
I’m in between girlfriends right now and I like to go online and watch live models. Some are really friendly, but others, not so much. I get the feeling they think we’re perverts. Don’t they realize they make a living off of us and if we are perverts, what does that make them? Why do some of these models have such an attitude? – Bill

Dear Bill,
Some models may seem to have an attitude. Of course, some may just be having a bad day. But I’d guess that many of their clients are less than respectful toward them.

In my book Native Strength (published August 2016), I make it clear that our society has taken sex, something that is natural and beautiful, and made it shameful. (It’s very similar to how a beneficial plant like cannabis has been demonized, which I also discuss.) Sometimes even those working in the sex industry are susceptible to the propaganda.

It can be frustrating to communicate or “perform” for someone if they think you’re stupid, or if someone thinks you’re a person who will do anything for money, simply because you’re in the sex industry. It could certainly cause a model to take her frustration out on others. It’s not right and it just spreads negativity. Everyone deserves to be treated as the unique individual they are. With that in mind, seek out more positive models, honey.

Dear Hyapatia,
My girlfriend wants to be a hooker. I love her very much and don’t want to lose her. We have always enjoyed a very sexual relationship and have been swingers for over a year. She thinks it would be fun to make money this way. I want to be supportive, but I worry about her getting hurt or arrested. What do you think? – Phil

Dear Phil,
There are many ways to benefit financially while enjoying your sexuality. Modeling online is one of the easiest and safest. You could even join her in live sex shows. There are many companies you can work with to help in that endeavor. If she’s really set on the personal contact, I’d recommend Nevada, as that’s the only place in the US where prostitution is legal. I’ve heard there are many places to work there, although I have no personal experience. By all means, steer her away from illegal prostitution. It’s not only a risk to her freedom, but to her safety as well. (And it’s really hard to get weed in prison.) Personally, I think the best option is to stay home and do online modeling. That way she can get high and have sex all while making money in the comfort of her own home.

Dear Hyapatia,
My girlfriend and I only smoke on the weekends. Gradually it’s gotten to where we only have sex on the weekend, too. Are the two related? I’d hate to think she only wants to have sex with me when we’re high. – Eli

Dear Eli,
Sometimes when we get into the habit of waiting for the weekend to get into party mode, it can make us focus solely on work during the week. This can sometimes mean working ourselves to the point where we’re so tired by the end of the day that there simply isn’t enough energy left to stir the libido. I’ve never heard of anyone wanting sex only when they’re high, but not having energy for sex during the week is very common. It’s especially true if you work long hours at a demanding job or have kids or other additional obligations. If any of this rings true, keep reminding yourself it has nothing to do with you personally or how she feels about your relationship, or the weed. It may have everything to do with being overworked during the week and finally being able to let her hair down on the weekend. It sounds like a romantic vacation is in order. If a couple doesn’t have time for each other, then they don’t have time for themselves individually. That can lead to emotional instability and unhappiness.


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