Sunday 24 July 2016

Comment on What Is Fake LSD And How Can You Avoid It? by Disgusted Citizen

Sirtripsalot the author may never have taken acid. Based on his so called universal experiences: “comes and goes in waves, lasts only 8 hrs, walls “breathing” exercise slows it down” Colored geometric hallucinations”- sounds like he watched that phony acid movie with Peter Fonda; The Trip from the 70’s . Lastly anyone can tell you paper acid in the 70’s was some of the strongest. The progression of strength went in Pill Form from Yellow (from Sandoz Lab if you could get it’ very mild as uncut; to Orange- aka orange ozzlies; to Blue -nicknamed blue cheer, Purple- aka Purple Haze which normally very tiny in size, to Blotter Acid (Mr. Natural) and also Brown to Red acid made by American Indians in SW, cut with belladonna; liquid acid was a rumor almost impossible to obtain unless you were manufacturing blotter acid pages in bulk. If you want to ‘see” colors when doing acid go somewhere with bright colored lights- you will see distortions etc; the drug itself induces no colors.


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