Tuesday 26 July 2016

Sacramento Tries Again to Increase Cannabis Tax

In a recent election Sacramento tried to fund city youth services by taxing cannabis sales, but their failure at the ballot box doesn’t mean they’re stopping – they’re proposing a new revised plan.

The recent ballot measure, Measure Y, was nearly 1 percentage point away from passing. The three city council member proposing the bill believe it was not a failure, but a victory because it showed a very close margin. The measure needed a two-thirds vote to pass and they scored 65 percent of the votes cast.

The new proposal is set to be discussed at the Budget and Audit Committee in July and from there it will be debated by the full council sometime in August.

More from The Sacramento Bee.

Eric Guerra, who is backing the idea along with Jay Schenirer and Rick Jennings, said the strong voter support was justification for reviving the idea.

“I don’t call that failing,” he said of the poll numbers. “That to me says there is a strong call from the city to address the issues of youth.”

Unlike Measure Y, which locked funds into kids’ programs in perpetuity, the revised plan would only make it a recommendation and call for the council to make an annual determination on where the funds go. While taxes would be accounted for in a new City of Sacramento Children’s Fund, the council would be able to move them to other areas of the general fund on an annual basis during the budget process if it determined a greater need elsewhere.

The post Sacramento Tries Again to Increase Cannabis Tax appeared first on Potbox.


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