Sunday 24 July 2016

Comment on Pot Prices: June 2016 THMQ by Nancy Nicolai

If more people are legally buying then ever wouldn’t it stand to reason that the prices would go down , I mean here in California it’s been legal since 1996 I believe yet an oz. goes generally for about $250-$350 and when one is on a fixed income and a medicinal patient( R.A., fibromyalgia, sicca syndrome, lupus & so many other things and your Dr’s decided that they were uncomfortable with you being on pain medication after 30 years but you’re still in major pain!) the point is that on less then $900 a month I can’t afford to pay that much especially if your tolerance is so high that you’d be better off being a tester wouldn’t that be a dream job because I can smoke , drink or take more drugs then anyone alive and I’ve been like this my whole life from about 12 years old it’s a curse I know but I need a solution because I can’t be in pain anymore so I hope everyone is having a great summer and because I am trying to also!!!????????????????????????????


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