Monday 19 December 2016

Stoner Sex: Snow Days, Toys & Anti-Pot Attitudes

Dear Hyapatia,
When I was a kid, I loved “snow days” when we got the day off from school. My man and I have worked overtime these last few weeks in order to have extra money for Christmas. Recently, we saw the forecast and knew the weather was going to be bad. So we made sure that we didn’t have to go anywhere. We took a “snow day!” We stayed in our PJs and had a great wake’n’bake, followed by some marvelous lovemaking. After that, I fixed breakfast, which was followed by some more dank bud. By that time, he was ready for some more action. It was so cold that we stayed in bed to snuggle in bed for a while. We fell asleep for almost three hours! We’d been putting in so much time at work that the extra rest was really great. When we got up, we decided to take a nice bubble bath together in our extra large tub. We took the time to light some nice-smelling candles and have a glass of wine. It was like a vacation without having to pack and go somewhere! I made us some food and he did dishes. I love it when he helps with things around the house. I had to show him my appreciation right there in the kitchen. So we went for Round 3! Snow days are even better when you’re an adult and have excellent weed and a perfect boyfriend! – Kim

Dear Kim,
Snuggling in a warm bed with your lover on a cold, snowy day is one of the best things about winter. Stoners and non-stoners alike feel that way. (It’s no secret that mini-baby booms always occur nine months after a blizzard.) Add some exceptional cannabis to the equation and you have the perfect recipe for two overworked people.

Dear Hyapatia,
My man and I enjoy sex, especially when we’re high. He likes to experiment in bed and I enjoy the variety. Recently, he’s started getting into toys. I’m not quite sure I understand the fascination. Why would he want to use a toy on me when he could have sex with me? We do that, too, of course. But can you explain this to me? – Helen

Dear Helen,
Some guys like to watch a bit. They can be curious as to what everything looks like up close and how women react to stimulation. I’ve met guys who use toys because they want to give their ladies a more enjoyable experience. But if you’re not really into the toys, let him know. Have a heart-to-heart over some primo bud and ask him why he wants to use them. He may be shy and not want to admit the real reason. Assure him that you won’t judge him as weird or kinky or anything like that. After all, a lover should be a best friend, the one person we feel comfortable sharing our peculiarities with. Let him know you accept him, whatever the reason. Then decide if you want to continue using toys. If you decide against them, tell him upfront. Explain that it has nothing to do with how he feels about them, but how you personally prefer to enjoy sex.

Dear Hyapatia,
I’ve noticed some people cop an attitude about people having sex while stoned. They put us down, like we can only have sex when we’re high or that it’s only fun if we’re stoned. That’s fucking stupid! Of course,  we like sex – with or without weed! It’s just that having sex while you’re high can be a whole new experience. Look, sex is wonderful and all, but if you can make it even better, why wouldn’t you? Duh! – Mark

Dear Mark,
You’re preaching to the choir! There are many people who, instead of facing their own inner issues, project their feelings onto others. They’re uncomfortable with themselves, so they often judge others to ease their hang-ups. They’d be better off dealing with their own immediate environment and emotions. If we don’t think of sex as sinful or nasty, why would it matter how we approach the experience? Those of who love cannabis simply use it to enhance the sexual experience, pure and simple!

Dear Hyapatia,
I’m going home for Christmas shortly to Massachusetts and I’m anticipating the worst. I’ve been a pot smoker for years and my mom has always given me hell for it. I’ve hidden it from her in the past. Last year, I even told her I quit. Since recreational pot is now legal in this state, I’m coming out of the closet, so to speak. I’m bringing my girlfriend for backup. My mom’s major complaint was always that no girl would put up with a lazy pot smoker. Any suggestions? – Larry

Dear Larry,
Congratulations! I’m overjoyed with all of the success of legalization we’ve seen in recent years. Having an honest relationship with others and talking openly and freely about pot is the only way to end the ignorance. When you see your mom, be prepared with a mental list of your achievements while using pot, from a raise you received at work to accomplishing personal physical training goals. Include having a girlfriend, a steady job, paying bills, keeping a clean environment and caring for others, including pets. Prepare your lady for similar scrutiny. The good news is that as people get older, they tend to mellow. With over half the population of the country now able to use medical marijuana — at the very least — now is a great time to start the conversation. Good luck!


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