Monday 19 September 2016

Stoner Sex: Role-play, Oral Frustration, Work Stress & Getting A Pot Job

Dear Hyapatia,
I’m a lesbian stoner and my partner and I have been together for a while. We want to spice up our sex life. We don’t particularly care for toys. Role-play and a change of scene are more our style. Can you make some suggestions? – Abby

Dear Abby,

OK, here are a few ideas:

You go for a massage and the masseuse gets very personal.

You are camping “by yourself” when “a stranger” appears out of the woods to help with your tent and camp. They keep you company for the night.

You go to a restaurant or club “alone” and run into an attractive “stranger” who’s just in town for the night.

You go to a sexy movie and sit next to a “stranger”. As the movie progresses, you get a bit more friendly and by the end, you’re ready for privacy.

I hope these help.

Dear Hyapatia,
I need help. I’ve never made my lady climax orally and I need to know how. What is the secret? I’ve gone at it for hours and I’m prepared to work for however long it takes. – Jake

Dear Jake,
Just as the length of your dick isn’t directly related to how much your lady enjoys sex with you, the amount of time spent on oral sex isn’t directly related to her ability to climax. But I like your enthusiasm! A lot of it has to do with her mental frame of mind, but you can help her with certain techniques. Begin by teasing her. Focus on the inner thighs and around her pussy lips. Use your tongue to gently rub her, along with your fingers. Try small circular motions around her clitoris, lightly at first. As she gets more worked up, increase your pressure. Each woman is different, so take your clues from her. If she moves away, you should decrease your pressure a bit. If she pushes towards you, increase it.

Dear Hyapatia,
My man and I have been together a long time and we had a system where, after work, we would do the things we needed to do around the house, have dinner, clean up and then relax and smoke some weed before bed. I thought it was working just fine. Apparently, he did not think so because he’s started getting high right after work. This pisses me off because he isn’t good for anything once he starts getting high. I work circles around him cleaning the house, doing laundry, taking care of our pets and making dinner. He moves like he’s under water. We went through this years ago and I thought we had solved it by waiting until things were done to get high. He says things at work are just too stressful now that he has a new boss who’s an asshole. How can I get him to hold off? – Jean

Dear Jean,
There are times in life when, even we’ve tried our hardest, something simply has to give. Some may reach the end of their rope and their anger may get the best of them leading them to say or do things they later regret. Others may allow themselves to be pushed to a place where they no longer enjoy the company of people they once loved. Getting high helps us to stop these things in their tracks. Maybe he isn’t as productive after smoking as he would have been if he waited, but by smoking, a big fight may have been avoided. This is a very successful way to cope with things that torment us yet are beyond our control. Is it more important to you that your partner is productive around the house or that he is happy and able to do his job every day? Sometimes we have to pick our battles. Give him a break during this difficult time.

Dear Hyapatia,
My lady works in the weed business as a trimmer.  I have been trying to get a job as a grower for almost a year and can’t get hired anywhere. She tells me she sits in the trim room and watches the growers go in and out, stopping to socialize with the trimmers, give massages and basically fuck off with their girlfriends. She has suggested I could work there, but they told her they don’t want couples working together because people won’t do what they are obviously already doing! I don’t get it! How can I get them to hire me? I am so jealous of her! – Bobby

Dear Bobby,
Don’t be jealous of her; that’s never good for a relationship. Just make love to her and be happy for her. It sounds like your girlfriend’s company uses a double standard or turns a blind eye to what is really going on. You may be better off not working there. Who knows? They may put their foot down soon. Keep looking and don’t be afraid to take a job as a trimmer or something else. You can show your employer your good work ethic. Then, when a position as a grower becomes available, you’ll be the first to know about it and already have a foot in the door. I’ve seen many growers hired from the trim room. Expand your search and make it your daily job to continue to apply until you are hired. Perfect your resume and stay up to date on the latest in equipment, nutrients and growing trends. You may even want to consider looking in an area that would require relocating, if the salary is worth it and your lady is down with that.


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