Wednesday 22 June 2016

Can Cannabis Alleviate Symptoms of PTSD from Sexual Assault?


There are a number of paths victims may go down to cope with the trauma of sexual assault, though cannabis may not be the first medicine that comes to mind. A growing body of research shows that cannabis may be effective in treating PTSD symptoms, and while most patient anecdotes come from the perspectives of combat veterans, cannabis can be just as useful for those with PTSD from sexual assault.

Cannabis and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

According to the organization RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network):

  • 1 in 6 American women have been the victim of attempted or completed rape
  • For men, 1 in 33 are the victim of rape or attempted rape
  • Every two minutes, an American is sexually assaulted
  • Almost 95% of women who are raped experience PTSD for two weeks after the incident
  • 30% of victims report having PTSD symptoms – including suicidal ideation – nine months after the attack
  • Victims are 3 to 10 times more likely to use drugs

Sexual assault and PTSD can change the brain permanently, but the good news is cannabis appears to act directly on the affected areas for a therapeutic effect. Not only is cannabis a highly effective stress reliever, it can bless those who need it with “the gift of forgetting” – a loosening of memory’s grip on our minds. Though anyone who’s gone through sexual assault understands that the emotional scars never really go away, there’s comfort in knowing relief from PTSD exists.

How Does Cannabis Affect Your Memory?

For those interested in exploring the ways cannabis can help them, we’ve compiled a list of products and strains that may help alleviate symptoms.


Cannabis-Infused Bath Salts

Infused bath salts

Immersing yourself in a nice, hot bath with some candles and aromatherapy is one of my favorite ways to quell escalating anxiety. Adding some cannabis-infused bath salts can bring your relaxation to the next level as muscle tension dissolves into tingly relief. Cannabis bath salts shouldn’t have any psychoactive effects, so if you’re looking for the kind of relief that comes with THC, be sure to equip a joint of your favorite strain to enjoy during your soak.


Cannabis-Infused Heating Rubs

Cannabis-infused topicals

Treat yourself to the tension-fighting properties of a cannabis-infused heating rub. Recruit a loved one to give you a back rub (so long as his or her touch doesn't make your PTSD worse), or rub some onto your neck for tingly, long-lasting relief that seems to permeate both your physical and emotional skin. Mind you, topicals tend to produce no psychoactive effects whatsoever, so this is a great choice for relaxing physical tension in the workplace or any time you need to keep a clear head.

What are Cannabis Topicals and How Do They Work?


Bedtime Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis-infused edible brownie

Some of the most dreaded symptoms for many with PTSD are those that impact your sleep. A good night’s rest is what keeps us going through the day with vigor, but sleep can be difficult when insomnia, nightmares, and flashbacks keep you tossing, turning, and sweating into your pillow. Because of their extended duration, edibles can be a fantastic sleep aid as they help people fall asleep faster and stay asleep for hours at a time.

Although REM is an important part of restful sleep, this is the sleep cycle in which dreams – and nightmares – take place. The THC in cannabis suppresses REM sleep, so edibles may be a good option for those with recurring nightmares. One thing to keep in mind: edibles can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours to kick in, so start with a small dose to avoid exacerbating anxiety (too much THC can do that).

Cannabis and Sleep: 10 Things to Know About Your Herbal Nightcap


CBD Capsules

CBD capsules

If you’re PTSD leaves you susceptible to episodes of panic, I have one word for you: cannabidiol. Better known as CBD, cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive cannabis compound that is known to mitigate fear and stress responses. Capsules filled with CBD-rich cannabis oil are my favorite for treating escalating anxiety.

Although they can take a little while to take effect, the relief is tangible. The body surrenders to relaxation with the mind following in suit. While waiting for the CBD to bridle feelings of panic, practice mindful breathing, take a hot bath, or splash your face with some cold water. Remember to work with your anti-anxiety tools. They can be excellent crutches in time of need, but it’s important to recognize the power of self-care and auto-suggestion: remind yourself in repetition that all will be well.

What are High CBD Cannabis Strains and How Do They Differ from High THC Strains?


Anti-Anxiety Cannabis Strains

Cannabis buds

Although high doses of THC can exacerbate anxiety, research shows that THC plays an important role in PTSD management. Those well-acclimated to cannabis may be able to smoke or vaporize large quantities without worsening anxiety, but newbies should definitely embrace the fact that a little THC can go a long way. Dose low and slow with high-THC strains, or consider a variety that’s high in CBD to curb any paranoid side effects.

Keep in mind that inhalation delivery methods like smoking and vaporizing have the most instantaneous effects. This can be important when anxiety comes on fast and strong. Remember to also drink plenty of water when treating with cannabis to ensure a positive experience.

Below are some of my favorite strains for clearing an anxious head. Preface a meditation session with them. Enjoy them before a stroll around the block – they’ll help you appreciate the fresh air. Share them with a loved one who makes you smile or laugh. Puff along to your favorite movie or comedian. Whatever it is that brings you joy, these strains (and many others) can help you remember how enjoyable life can be in spite of your past trauma.


Leafly Blackberry Kush indica cannabis strain tile Leafly Blackberry Kush indica cannabis strain effects

When anxiety takes the form of racing thoughts, shaking, or muscle tension, consider a sedating indica like Blackberry Kush. This one has a way of slowing life down to a manageable pace and is an excellent companion strain when insomnia hits, or for priming your mind for meditation. It’s also an adept analgesic, so if healing physical pains are a part of your recovery, this indica is one to consider.


Leafly Strawberry Kush sativa cannabis strain tile Leafly Strawberry Kush sativa cannabis strain effects

Anyone with PTSD knows that one of the hardest tasks to check off the day’s to-list is getting up out of bed. Cannabis can often make this more difficult, but some strains have a motivating effect that some even consider energizing. Strawberry Cough, though made famous by its unmistakable aroma of ripe strawberries, is also a fantastic daytime stress reliever. Start your day off right by pairing this one with a morning walk, a cup of tea, or an early meditation or yoga session.


Leafly XJ-13 hybrid cannabis strain tile Leafly XJ-13 hybrid cannabis strain effects

Greeting your nostrils with the sweet aroma of tropical lemon-lime goodness, XJ-13 offers a mellow, relaxed mindset in which it’s easier to remind yourself that everything is okay. This hybrid has a way of revealing the world in brighter colors and helps you to appreciate the gifts we sometimes overlook: time spent with friends and family, the taste of good food, the beauty of a nature stroll, or the joy of old hobbies.

For more strain recommendations, see our list of best strains for anxiety or use the Leafly Explorer advanced filters to sort strains by symptom and effect criteria. We also invite you to share your recommendations, as well as stories of hope and healing for the community assault survivors looking for light in a dark place.

Cannabis and Depression


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