Monday, 9 May 2016

The Shake: One Presidential Candidate is a Cannabis Consumer. Does It Matter?


The upcoming ruling in a cannabis case could have federal implications. Washington medical marijuana patient Rolland Gregg has been fighting federal drug charges for more than three years, maintaining that his family-owned collective garden containing 68 plants was compliant under state law. He was convicted last year, but now he’s claiming the federal government broke the law by prosecuting him. The issue at stake here is the scope of the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, which was passed in 2015 and 2016 and forbids the use of federal funds for prosecuting those who comply with state marijuana laws. Conflicting interpretations of the amendment has been a point of contention for defense attorneys and the Department of Justice alike. The 9th Circuit is set to rule on three different cannabis cases and will be forced to clarify the language on the amendment, either in favor of the defendants or in favor of the Department of Justice.

Will the 9th Circuit Court Stop MMJ Prosecutions in the West?

Legal cannabis has failed to eliminate the black market or the racial divide in the drug world. The Atlantic posts a piece that finds the black market still exists after legalization, the cops still make cannabis arrests, and those arrested are largely African-American individuals. The cycle continues on even in the closing days of the Drug War…

Another fear-mongering story skews the numbers. “Rise in children selling cannabis” proclaims the U.K.’s Daily Mail. However, as VICE pointed out, the rise was over the course of nine years and involved an increase of only 61 cases of children from 10 to 17 years of age selling cannabis. Compare that to the massive drop in juvenile possession convictions between 2010 and 2014 – 61 percent, from 4,466 down to 1,751. Do your research!

The Libertarian nominee for president, Gary Johnson, is a cannabis consumer. Does that matter? Not really, says National Review.

2012 Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson Now CEO of Cannabis Sativa

The first cannabis-tax-funded education course happened in Colorado. Seventh grade students were the first to experience the cannabis education course designed by school counselor Molly Lotz and teacher Sarah Grippa. Tax revenue from legal cannabis sales are funding the project in an effort to educate students on the dangers of underage use and its impact on the developing brain.

Legalization poll in Massachusetts finds a tight race. Massachusetts seems to have a good chance, but how does the public feel? A new poll from Suffolk University finds 46 percent in favor of legalization and 43 percent against.

Massachusetts Could Be the 5th State to Legalize Cannabis

Image Source: Gage Skidmore via Flickr Creative Commons


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